Manvir Dhinse


I understand that Manvir Dhinse and Meditating Nation do not diagnose conditions nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical or psychiatric professional. I understand that attending our events or booking any services or buying any products do not take the place of medical or psychological care. I understand that it is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have.

I agree to Manvir Dhinse and Meditating Nation harmless for any intended or unintended result. I hereby acknowledge and affirm my understanding and agreement with the above.

I understand that having a private session or attending any events and activities does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of any mental disorder or medical disease; and does not prevent, cure or treat any mental or medical disease or disorder.

Further, any information provided by Manvir Dhinse or through this website is not substitute for therapy, counselling, psychoanalysis, substance abuse treatment, psychiatric or medical treatment, or the advice or services of a medical professional.

It’s your responsibility to seek independent guidance from mental and/or medical professionals to the extent necessary. Please seek help from a healthcare professional if that is what you need.

If you have a mental condition or disease, then these services might not be for you. If you suffer from any mental condition or disease, please contact your mental or health care provider to find out whether they find your condition and your mental state stable enough to receive any services.

By attending our events or booking any services or buying any products, you acknowledge that you are solely and personally responsible for your actions, decisions and how you choose to live your life. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of using any information provided, and you agree to use your own judgement before implementing any idea, suggestion or recommendation into any parts of your life.