Here Are Your Meditations, Happy Healing!
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Emotional Presence Healing
Be like a bamboo tree which can withstand any weather. This meditation heps you heal and work through your emotions by building your capacity to be present with them.
As you repeat this meditation you’ll see that stress, fear, anxiety, sadness, (and all those other emotions you don’t like), stop having much of an effect on you. This is because you’ve learnt how to feel and be present with them the RIGHT way.
This is also a great preparation for healing deeper emotional wounds such as traumatic experiences.
Time Travel (Part 1)
This meditation helps you heal and release emotions that stem from traumatic experiences (Even if you don’t remember them!)
If you have a re-occuring emotions that get triggered and sometimes you feel like you may be over-reacting to situations/events/people/environments, or you have unhelathy habits that you can’t seem to break out of. This usually indicates that the root cause is somewhere deeper in your subconscious mind. This meditation addresses that.
The meditation has two parts. Part 1 only needs to be done once.
In this part we create a “Safe Haven”, which is a space in your mind or psyche, that allows your body to feel safe. This helps your subconscious mind open up, allowing you to go deeper towards the origin point of your trauma and past memories.
Time Travel (Part 2)
Here we time travel back to the first point a certain trigger or blockage occured and heal it from the root. Sometimes if a feeling is too strong, you may not go all the way to the origin point, and that’s okay!
Your spirit and subconscious mind will never give you more than you can handle. So just go with what comes up, and repeat the meditation with the same trigger whenever you feel ready to.
Be sure to take it easy and give yourself plenty of self-care and rest after this meditation, because it can really create some deep healing.
Important Note: Even if you feel like you’re pretending in this meditation, that’s fine just go with it. Your subconscious mind talks in metaphors, so whether or not the memory was real, through the process of this meditation, healing still takes place.
Parts Work Guidance
This meditation, like ‘Time Travel’, works with the subconscious mind.
Although we live in one body and experience ourself as one self, we often have many different sides to us, which show up in different situations and with different people.
Sometimes it can seem like we are self-sabotaging. Or that we’re pressing the accelerator to move forwards in life and with our goals, but at the same time pressing the breaks. This is because there is an inner conflict between different parts of ourselves, and each of those parts have different wants and needs.
So there may be a part of you that wants to achieve the goal you’re after, but another part that feels that goal isn’t right for you. This inner conflict and split between different parts occurs due to childhood experiences and social conditionings that we are faced with growing up. Which then get imprinted to our subconscious mind causing what is called ‘fragmentation’.
In this meditation we look at which parts of you may be causing resistances in your life, and conversing with those parts to see what truth or belief they hold.
We then come up with a win-win scenario where both these aspect of ourselves, and us as a whole, can both get our needs met.
It is important to not judge any part of yourself as wrong, but to see it’s perspective as valid, and offer a more well-rounded perspective to it. Again, it doesn’t matter if it feels like you’re making it up, your subconscious mind talks in metaphors!
Letting Go Breath
This meditation is a great way to release any emotional heaviness or difficulties, helping you come back to a balanced state. It’s great espescially for those days where you are bogged down and not feeling up to doing anything strenuous.
This is a simple breathing technique following a 4-4-8-4 pattern, (inhale-hold-exhale-hold).