What Are Levels of Consciousness?
Levels of Consciousness (LOC) are a complete overview of the evolution of Human Consciousness and possible life experiences.
It can be hard to grasp initially unless you have the first-hand experience moving through a significant part of the scale or having experienced significant jumps up the scale.
There are 3 main categories within the Level’s of Consciousness:
- Victim or Abuser consciousness is commonly known as the Ego or the Lower Self.
- Self-Empowerment consciousness is about overcoming the Ego and the Lower Self and coming into an alignment with Life, where life starts to become more supportive.
- Self-Realization consciousness starts with the first Inner Light awakening, known as the Spiritual or Higher Consciousness awakening, and progresses towards the Bliss of Full Consciousness and the Absolute Self.

Most people who are interested in mediation, self-empowerment, personal development, etc. Usually come into this life between the LOC Inner Will and Allowance.
Until recently the average level of humanity has been below that and when the pure consciousness of a newborn baby is exposed to the “polluted” Mass Consciousness, the person takes in the dysfunctional belief-systems and programming from the Programmed and Reactive Mind of the Mass Consciousness and authority figures around them.
This creates a descent down the Levels of Consciousness in your life until a bottom point has been reached. This is the point where you’ve “had enough,” and you start to take back control of your life from the Programmed and Reactive Mind of the Mass Consciousness.
This is where you begin to “clean up your act” vibrationally and think and act more independently from the influence of the dysfunctional low-level “norm” of the current Mass Consciousness. This is the great turning point many people, who fit this profile, experience in their lives.
This starts the ascent up the ladder of consciousness, and for many, this has been a challenging climb. Maybe you’ve gone through a severe illness, or perhaps you’ve had your heart severely broken time and time again.
This is how life keeps pushing your buttons and breaks you more and more open as you progress up the Levels of Consciousness.
Let’s use an analogy to further expand…
The Ocean of Consciousness Analogy

Imagine the Levels of Consciousness like the layers of an ocean. Below LOC Positivity it is so deep that no sunlight reaches down to that level. This layer of the ocean is filled with bottom-feeders and all sorts of weird creatures fumbling around in the dark. People born into and “native” to this level will think it’s all-natural to be in the dark.
However, people born at higher LOCs who gradually descended to being below the LOC Positivity will have an inkling that “something’s not right”. They will remember deep inside that something else is possible.
Right above LOC Positivity is a different world that is still dim, but at least enough sunlight comes through so that shadows and silhouettes are visible. Navigating towards the light is now possible, and it’s easier to avoid being preyed upon.
Life is still hard and full of struggle in LOC’s Positivity and Trust, but at least you now have the opportunity to move towards the light, whereas below LOC Positivity you hardly remembered that there was even such a thing as light. It all seemed hopeless and unchangeable.
Moving up the Levels of Consciousness has little to do with reading books or intellectual knowledge. It is all about removing dysfunctional core beliefs and creating space for more of the light of Consciousness to shine through unfiltered.
As they are removed, they are automatically replaced by the inherent correct vision, in alignment with how our Higher Self sees it.
As you move into LOC Inner Will or Allowance and even LOC Rationality you will start to see things more clearly and in detail. It’s still well below the surface of the ocean, but a lot more light comes through here, and life feels much more supportive and a lot more enjoyable than the lower levels.
When you reach the LOC’s of Inner Love and Unity and even LOC Presence, you are basically swimming around right below the surface in almost full daylight. This is where the real mystery can start to unravel. In glimpses, you will no longer identify with the body but rather with the ocean of consciousness itself.
As you progress even higher and breach the surface into the LOC Awareness and beyond, you will paradoxically realize that you were the ocean all along. All the levels were contained within you.
Changing the TV Channel

Progress up the scale is not about how much you “know,” but rather about removing the ingrained “knowledge” that distorts your vision and blocks your light.
Each main level of consciousness is like a different TV channel. When you change your level of consciousness you are literally changing the “TV channel” that is playing out in your life.
If you like horror then stay below LOC Positivity, if you prefer drama the LOC’s of Positivity through Allowance are good for that, but if you prefer light comedy we recommend the higher LOC’s of Inner Wisdom through to Unity. If you want it all at once without really being touched by it, then move into the bandwidth of LOC’s Awareness through to Full Consciousness.
Each level contains certain “lessons” that will repeat until you’ve learned them. This is called Karmic or Mind’s Conditioning. You then move out of that level and into the next one.
It’s kind of like a School of Life with different classes and levels. The lower level lessons are usually harder and less subtle than the higher level lessons.
To progress as quickly as possible you need to re-prioritize your life in such a way that movement up the scale becomes your number one priority.
You can read more in detail about each Levels of Consciousness on here: https://www.newhumanitylife.com/levels-of-consciousness
Download our FREE E-book about the Levels of Consciousness
Find out more about each Level of Consciousness in detail from this Free E-book created by the New Humanity Life International Academy.
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